Wednesday 17 April 2013

Making Use Of Resources!

Making Use Of Gold!

-Gold,firstly using of gold probably is a problem when to people who are very rich.That's where we should know how to use our gold.
-Make an approximate for the gold,think if its enough to upgrade the things you want!
(Mentioned the thing you want is using the gold to upgrade and not elixir.)
-Gold is being used more than the elixir,but still less important than elixir.
-Leave no gold behind,leave a little gold for attacking.When you have no gold,can make
use of the time to protect your elixir.


Making Use Of Elixir,firstly using of elixir we know that mostly they are only depended on builder to build elixir things plus for researching.
-Preferred that maybe protecting your elixir would be most important then gold as they can train troop to earn your gold back.
-Plus that elixir,eventually if you do not have elixir = no gold,because you needed elixir to train troop.But still can gain from the lazy farming ways,It would rather be slow.
-Protecting elixir is also important as you needed to research the troops.Which could cost large sums of elixir.Try to protect them more than the gold cause they are not easy to be earned.
-Last thing of the most important is that,attacking you must choose the opponent with high elixir to earned back elixir as you train troop also needed elixir.Probably attack 
people who have high elixir than gold.
Conclusion,Protect your elixir more than gold.
                               Good Luck.....Hope You Like This


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