Wednesday 17 April 2013

Knowledge Of Strategy

Today , For the Newbie i will help in the way of "defense strategy,farming strategy,attacking strategy,spell usage."
Lets talk about the "Defense Strategy"
-Firstly,for your defensive turret,try to have it cover with walls.Other things you do not need to protect because the defensive turret is down,the attacker will be free and easy to attack your base.But it does not last long.Town Hall about level 4 should be enough wall to protect your Resources.That's the starting of importance for resources.Cover your Defensive Turret at all mean until Town Hall 4.But for Town Hall there isn't necessary to protect your Town Hall.Its just the problem of winning trophies,but outside all your Army Camp covering could be enough for 50% for attacker to win, put more heart onto defending resources only after Town Hall.

Lets talk about the "Farming Strategy"
-Try to find a player that is covered with Gold Mine and Elixir Collector that hasn't been touch for quite long.
Try using some Barbarian to distract the defensive turret and use some Goblins to destroy the Gold Mine and Elixir Collector.Best way to try to win after looting the Resources,is to destroy the "Uncover By Walls" known as"Outside Objects" destroy a 50% and then surrender.

Lets talk about the "Attacking Strategy"
Having to attack a player for the things that inside is being covered with walls,you would have to use some Giants to distract and put some Wall Breaker to break in,At the same time use some archers to shoot the defensive turret.That's just a easy attacking strategy.But beware when putting a Wall breaker because some of the defensive turret like Mortar sometime could kill the Wall Breaker with one shot,so try putting after Mortar shoot out their boulder.Spam quite a few archer as they are good because of shooting through wall.

Lets talk about the "Spell Usage"
Spells is a very good,they can help in killing the Troop Reinforcement, use them wisely.When planning to attack a village mostly always check whether do they have the troops reinforcement by sending one troop to check,then if they do have wait for all the reinforcement troops to come out.Send troops to hell,by putting a powerful "Lightning Spell" they can be killed in one "Lightning Spell".

Lets talk about the "Laboratory"
Laboratory are good,use them to research troop to make them stronger,faster and more life to withstand huge damage against the defensive turret of the person you are attacking.Most Important is to research the Tier 1 troop because they are the troops we would often use them and even in every single we attack.Other then Tier 1 troop also research more on Giants.But can often research on others too,because we might use them one day for attacking.Tier 1 troop are Barbarian,Archers And Goblins

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